Volunteer with Safe Haven
Wombat Reading
& Workshops
Animal Care
& Rehabilitation
Are you ready to Volunteer?
Contact us for more information on how you can get involved today!
At Safe Haven we care for the region’s sick, injured and orphaned native animals. Our community education programs stress the importance of maintaining a healthy natural environment to ensure the well-being of our precious native animals.
Community engagement opportunities include volunteer opportunities, public involvement in research programs, fundraising events, adopt-a-wombat program, traineeships, Eco-tourism, seminars and workshops for university, TAFE, secondary and primary school students.
The Safe Haven Project offers high quality wildlife education programs to enable our local community groups, industry bodies and individuals to be actively involved in the protection of our native animals.
Safe Haven in partnership with University of Queensland conducts scientific research in genetics, stress physiology, metabolism and growth, reproduction and assisted breeding technologies. Our results are applied to enhance wildlife breeding techniques and conservation.